Celebrate Wisconsin's Greatest Resource Water

Celebrate Wisconsin's Greatest Resource Water

In January of this year CBS's Sunday Morning featured a segment titled: "Climate refugees: The quest for a haven from extreme weather events." The essence of the piece premised on David Pogue's book "How to Prepare for Climate Change"  Rising sea levels, perpetual 100 year, forest fires in the west portend that the coastal regions of the U.S. are becoming less and less inhabitable.

Those once enviable places to live like Miami and San Francisco are emptying out as people seek higher ground and less extreme weather events. According to Pogue many of these "climate refugees" are seeking states along the Great Lakes. Wisconsin with its' seemingly endless supply of water is one of those destinations.

Wisconsin Water Week put on by the Wisconsin Association of Lakes in that context is prescient.

Wisconsin Lakes, a 501(c)3 created this one week, event to bring statewide attention to

Wisconsin's greatest resource through lectures, symposiums and educational videos, and more

importantly, engage people to act. Wisconsin Water Week is about the sustainability and health of our

state's rivers, lakes, streams and watersheds.

"For over thirty years, the Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention has been an annual gathering of lake and river lovers of all stripes: Lake and River Stewards, Lake Leaders, Lake and River Professionals, and members of the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership," according to Wisconsin Water Week's website,

Noteworthy topics at the 2021 virtual, version of Wisconsin Water Week include: "Indigenous Stewarship of Water," "Recreational Use of Lakes," and "How to Create Healthy

Shorelands While Facing Challenges."

Before you go

Wisconsin Water Week 2021 is being held online Monday, March 8 - Friday, March 12.

There is a fee to attend Wisconsin Water Week:

Monday-Wednesday – statewide programming $20/day.
Thursday – regional events are $20/region.

Register for the 2021 Wisconsin Water Week at https://wisconsinwaterweek.swoogo.com/wisconsinwaterweek/begin

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